AFCLI Zoom Events
AFCLI Commemorated the 20th Anniversary of 9/11
Sunday, September 12, 2021 – 2:30 PM ET / 9:30 PM Israel Time
In 2020 and 2021, we hosted over a dozen Zoom events (see this list). Some of our keynote presenters included…

Tal Brody
Israel's Goodwill Ambassador

Ron Leshno-Yaar
Ambassador of Israel to the European Union and NATO, Formerly Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva

Elan Carr
US State Department's Special Envoy for Combatting Anti-Semitism

Andy Borans
Executive Director, AEPi Foundation

Zion Evrony
Former Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican

Ido Aharoni
Former & longest-serving NY Consul General

Shlomo Molla
Former MK and Deputy Speaker of the Knesset

Ariella Rada
Consul for Economic and Community Affairs, Israeli Consulate, Chicago

Kasa Bainesay-Harbor
Deputy Consul General, Israeli Consulate, Miami

Rabbi Seth Frisch
Participated in 27 humanitarian missions for “Operation Moses”

Israel Nitzan
Israel’s acting Consul General to New York

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Executive Vice President, NY Board of Rabbis

Sherwin Pomerantz
US state governments' coordinator in Israel's economic miracle

Benji Lovitt
Israeli-American Comedian

Avi Liberman
Israeli-American Comedian

Officer Netta
Former Operations Officer, IDF Elite Unit #669 for International Rescue

Avner Avraham
Former Mossad officer, curated exhibits on “Operation Finale” and “Operation Yonaton”

Shir Peled
Former real-life “Fauda” Israeli undercover agent`

Ohad Zemet
Israel's Spokesperson for the UK and former diplomat in Cairo

Rabbi Albert Gabbai
Historic Congregation Mikveh Israel, one block from the Liberty Bell

Niv Nehemia
Hero who fought off the Yavna Supersol stabber in 2017
- Magen David Adom
- Hadassah
- Ben Gurion University
- Rambam Hospital
Our first Zoom program
Our first Zoom program was arranged in early Spring 2020 and was a collaborative project which highlighted the wonderful work of Israel at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
April 6, 2020: “Israel’s Response to the Coronavirus” with our partners, Magen David Adom, Hadassah, Ben Gurion University, Rambam Hospital, and the Consulate General of Israel in New York sharing Israeli “Best Practices” to US officials.
Our Other AFCLI Zoom Events
March 24, 2021: “Zecher L’Tziat Mitzrayim” – Remembrances from Egypt.
In preparation for the Passover story, Ohad Zemet, Israel’s Spokesperson for the UK and former diplomat in Cairo, and 3 Egyptian Jews, Rabbi Albert Gabbai, Albert Algazi, and Toni Algazi, shared remembrances of coming out of Egypt.
Four “Heroes of Israel,” three Israeli Ethiopian leaders, and a Rabbi who was on 27 rescue missions told their personal stories of the rescue of Ethiopian Jews. Each speaker added a layer of understanding to the story that preceded them, ending with the account of the birth of an Ethiopian baby on the rescue flight.
Featured Speakers:
Shlomo Molla — Former MK and Deputy Speaker of the Knesset
Ariella Rada — Consul for Economic and Community Affairs, Israeli Consulate, Chicago
Kasa Bainesay-Harbor — Deputy Consul General, Israeli Consulate, Miami
Rabbi Seth Frisch — Philadelphia — participated in 27 humanitarian missions to Sudan and Ethiopia.
Israeli Ambassador Ron Leshno-Yaar revealed the background of UN and world acceptance in finally recognizing the Holocaust. The annual observance first held in 2006, 15 years ago, came 60 years after the Shoah. Amb. Leshno-Yaar revealed in public for the first time, that Israel’s Disengagement from Gaza laid the groundwork for world acknowledgment of the Holocaust. What happened during the summer of 2005, with breaking news live on TV screens around the world, Israel showed what it was prepared to do for peace, relinquishing land so it would not rule over another people. Ambassador Leshno-Yaar also gave an account of the current world challenges of anti-Semitism, and his ongoing work representing Israel to Europe and the world community.
With Elan Carr, US State Department’s Special Envoy for Combatting Anti-Semitism, and Andy Borans, Executive Director, AEPi Foundation. Also acknowledging the 40th Anniversary of Livnot U’Lehibanot in Zfat, Israel with founders Aharon and Miriam Botzer.
A comprehensive presentation on world issues and experiences of Ambassador (Ret.) Zion Evrony, Ph.D, Former Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican, Israel Institute Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of America, AFKMC National Board Leader.
Guest speakers: NY Consul General Israel Nitzan and Rabbi Joseph Potasnik – Executive Vice President, NY Board of Rabbis, and AFKMC National Board leader, with a “Rabbinic Roundtable” of eight other rabbis around the US sharing insights on the Jewish response to Covad19 for the High Holidays.
The Israeli-American Relationship & Jewish Identity … What Seth Rogen does not ‘get’ – arranged with Young Jewish Leadership Concepts (YJLC). A discussion with top Israeli-American Comedians Benji Lovitt and Avi Liberman, including a discussion of the Seth Rogen controversy. With a surprise guest appearance by Tal Brody, Israel’s Goodwill Ambassador.
With Mossad’s Col. Avner Avraham, operations officer who curated international exhibits on “Operation Finale” the capture and trial of Adolph Eichmann, and “Operation Yonaton” the Miracle Rescue at Entebbe. And with Shir Peled – a real-life “Fauda” undercover agent in an elite counter-terrorism unit. Four years risking her life to gather intelligence and capture terrorists “behind enemy lines.”
With Ambassador Ido Aharoni, (former) NY Consul General, Sherwin Pomerantz, US state governments’ coordinator in Israel’s economic miracle. Plus Christian volunteers to Israel, Jerome Baxley and Adeline Smidt.
With Tal Brody, Israel’s Goodwill Ambassador, “Officer Netta” of the IDF Elite Unit #669, operations manager for Israeli International Rescue, and Niv Nehemia, hero who fought off the Yavna Supersol stabber in 2017.
Abbreviated 8 minutes with Tal Brody (remaining video not available)
Join us on the mission of building a bridge of support between America and Israel. Call, text, or e-mail any time you have questions or ideas.
B’Vracha – with Blessings – Lou
Lou Balcher
National Director
American Foundation Creating Leadership for Israel (AFCLI)
C: 215-932-2974 (Voice or Text)